The Fall of White City by N. S. Wikarski

The Fall of White City by N. S. Wikarski

Author:N. S. Wikarski
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: history, mystery, thriller, series, amateur sleuth, traditional detective, women's studies, Chicago, Gilded Age, Victorian
Publisher: Northgate Press
Published: 2024-01-25T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter 17—Men of Vision

EVANGELINE AWOKE WITH a nasty headache on Monday morning. Ignoring the pain, she attempted to conceal the bruised cut on her forehead by applying a thick layer of face powder and rearranging her hair. At all costs, she wanted to avoid the scolding and clucking that would ensue if Delphine discovered what had happened. Evangeline hoped to avert a scene by absenting the house as early as possible. She intended to pay a visit to Franz Bauer in jail. Perhaps he might recall his exact whereabouts the night of Elsa’s death. He might also unknowingly reveal some information about his sister’s secret admirers—O’Malley and Blackthorne.

As she was getting ready to leave for the mid-morning train, Delphine poked her head into the dressing room. “Ma chérie, there is a Monsieur Humphrey to see you.”

“I don’t know anyone by that name, Delphine.”

“He says he works at the Palmer House.”

“Oh, that one.” Evangeline remembered the desk clerk with the propensity for clicking his heels at the least provocation. “Show him into the reception room. I’ll be downstairs shortly.” She set aside her immediate plan to leave for the city and, with one final worried glance in the mirror, hurried down to meet her guest instead.

When she opened the door to the reception room, she noted that Humphrey had already taken a chair, though he had chosen to balance precariously on the edge of his seat. His hat was balanced even more precariously on his knees. When he saw Evangeline enter, he sprang to his feet, upsetting his hat, which fell unceremoniously to the floor and rolled across the carpet before he could scramble to retrieve it. Flustered, but still on his best behavior, Humphrey recovered himself and snapped to attention as his hostess gave him her hand.

“Mr. Humphrey, please be seated.” Evangeline gestured for him to return to his chair.

“Just Humphrey, miss, that’s what I’m usually called.”

“Very well then, Humphrey. I must say I’m quite surprised to see you here.” Evangeline took the chair opposite him.

Humphrey sat down and stared at the floor. At the hotel, he had struck Evangeline as the high-strung sort; now, he was exhibiting a degree of nervousness that was beyond high-strung. He rolled his hat brim around and around in his hands, apparently searching for a way to begin.

Evangeline decided to help the process along. She smiled, trying to put him at ease. “Since it’s a long train ride from Chicago to Lake Bluff, I’m assuming you have something important you wish to discuss with me. Would I be correct in making that assumption, Humphrey?”

The desk clerk sighed. “It’s my conscience, miss. It’s been kicking up a ruckus with me ever since we last talked.”

“Indeed?” Evangeline raised her eyebrows in surprise.

“There was something I should have told you, but I didn’t. I... I... was afraid I’d lose my position.”

“Humphrey, I assure you, whatever you tell me will remain in strictest confidence.”

He sighed again, looking only moderately relieved. “It doesn’t sit well with me to tell a lie, and of all nights for something like that to happen.


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